Thursday, August 19, 2010


Hi all traders I used to love Ebay -what a fantastic way to make a bit extra and the little buzz you get when your ad sells-you did something right! Sadly these days it seems to be changing due to shilling and unfriendly traders eager to sabotage your feedback and those charging over the odds -I recently found 2 dvd sets online free postage and extremely cheaper than those advertised on Ebay-these are listed in the tv drama guide.

Shill bidding -has anyone ever noticed when you are bidding on something big, say a dvd box set as I have previously,reserves not met up toa point and then in comes a new bidder just joined a day or so ago with no feedback-hmmm!This has happened to me a no of times,I've asked myself is it a genuinenew trader or are the sellers shilling-or is it a saboteur asI too haveexperienced? Then the 2nd chance offer comesdays after the listing ends.Oh and the newbie does not bid ever again as I have painstakingly checked this with my new found tool and friend -details below

I since foundthis fabulous website not affilliated with Ebay at all but WoW you will be pleasantly surprised at what it can do-such as filter out the shillers and bag you a bargain -I'll leave you all to make up your own mind.

Its my first guide so hope I've been interesting/helpful or both ha!

Regards Posh

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