Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fraud memory sellers like bobob_uk

Sells unbrandedchinese memory as quality graded memory.

bobob_uk is a chinese seller despite having a London Office.

He has been reported to ebay and paypal repeatedly, including myself, with evidence of these frauds, but continues to be allowed to sell fake items fraudulently.

See here for just the last 30 days of his antics reported by buyers who know enough to test. His frauds go back farfurther.

see www dot toolhaus dot org/cgi-bin/negs?/user=bobob_uk


Ebay appears to be regularly blocking access to this sellers feedback from toolhaus. This would appear to be furtherevidence of Ebay's complicity in this sellers frauds.


  1. Oh gosh, I just bought an SD card from this seller on Monday... my very first purchase on eBay, actually. I saw the positive ratings and I thought it must be ok.... now I went back and saw the seller is no longer registered. I'm mega panicking now....

  2. Hi Anna, I am also in the same boat as you are as I bought Dec 1, no shipment at all. Just read this and look at the Mirror report on this guy GEEZ!!!

    I bought for the same reason.


    Ebay has suspended the accounts of one of its biggest traders after we revealed that it was selling goods worth more than £1million a year without a VAT number.

    As protestors against tax dodging take to the streets, Britain needs every penny of tax revenue it can get.

    We're not helped when large firms like eBay turn a blind eye to apparent tax evasion right under their noses.

    Bobob_uk claims to be "the largest and the most professional electronics eBay seller in the UK".

  4. Here is this alledged scammers number:
    gmail message from him states he is away until Dec 31, 2010!

    If you dont want to drop any email,please feel free to call +44 (0)20 7193
